Friday, October 31, 2008

I have no voice

I have no voice because I am Canadian, living here in the US. I cannot vote, I have no voice in the upcoming elections.
But in the Kingdom, I can lift up my voice in prayer, I can petition my Heavenly Father to rain down mercy, wisdom, compassion. I can call upon my God to have His will be done. There I have a voice.
The issue that matters to me more then any other this election is Abortion. As an adoptive mother I am daily thankful that our birth mother chose life and not death for my little man. My closest friends and family know that last year I lost a job I loved defending the unborn, and I would do it again in a heartbeat. A heartbeat.
I follow this blog
and read this post today. I am not nearly as eloquent, so I will encourage you to look there, watch the videos, and pray your vote, pray over your vote, pray for others who will vote. Cover the candidates in prayer. A heartbeat depends on you.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Let's Support our Harlot

So I just read the newest blog from the Harlot. It seems she was briefly on the New York Times Best Seller list at # 32, but has slipped off.
Not acceptable. Lets get her back on knitters. So, lets show the world that yes indeed there are more knitters in the world then golfers, that the stuff knitters read is important, and that we have buying power and influence. I am off to Amazon right now to get my copy. Will you join me in supporting our Harlot?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We Need to Get Away

So my sis got this great idea to enter a contest for a cruise for the two of us. She is the technical genius so she uploaded a video entry. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

My head is about to fall off

6 year old whining for video games, hubbo still clean laundry to put away, the bird is noisy, the dog is shedding, the fax machine is jamming, and I have to shave my legs for tonight. Arghhhh!
Just one of those days. Need to spin for a few minutes to calm my frazzled nerves.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm Not Lonely, Really

So, lets clear some stuff up. The Chicks just live at separate blogs, that's all. We just realized that we blog differently, need to be able to do that, and that is OK.
Sis's career as a yarn dyer is really taking off and the chickswithsticks blog is a vehicle to market herself. I need to step back from that and let her run with it.
Besides, I may have my own stuff to say.

"The opinions expressed in the preceding blog are those of the participants and do not necessarily reflect those of the other blogger" That is not to say we don't agree on most things- we do on the big issues of life, morals, beliefs etc.
But we don't agree on one major things, and that might be why we really broke up...
dpns vs magic loop.

So I am off to bed, and I leave you with just one thought... I look really hot in sequins. Just saying.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Just One Chick

So after sharing a blog with my very wonderful and talented sis over here we decided to part ways. No, no big sibling fight, just needed our own space. It actually started when we both wanted to enter the same giveaway, and that would have meant using the same blog address.
So here I am, just one chick.
It is late, I am in a Turkey coma, and I just have to finish my lace-weight llama before bed (yes, have to).
Welcome to the new blog.